Birthday Wensfriesday!

Happy Wensfriesday everyone!


It’s a special one for me as I am forty today! Yup, another decade gone. birthday cake

The best feeling waking up this morning was having no regrets. Much contemplation and reminiscing was done this morning over brushing my teeth and the conclusion reached was…I am happy. Nothing is ever perfect in life and yes, we are given challenges that are sometimes too hard to overcome.

meme lookingin the mirror

With that in mind, I took a good look at myself and counted my blessings. The simplest of things can give the most blessings; a friend reconnecting, a stranger becoming a wonderful friend, the view on my drive back from dropping everyone off to work and school – the simple things.


autumn pics

Pic by

I don’t own a lot. I’m not rich. As a wife, mother, sister, child, I have been tempted to throw in the towel many times and run off into the sunset to join a sect and become one with nature! The blessings that trickle into my life everyday stop me and slap me back to reality that life is good. I don’t like comparing myself to others because I would never measure up. But from my short height, I’m happy where I am.


I hope you’ll join me in counting your blessings today. Simple things like your favourite drink in the fridge or a hidden chocolate in the cupboard. The fact that the kids don’t have to stay late or be picked up early. The reason you have a smile on your face everyday. If you can’t find the blessings, then let me give you one – you are my blessing for reading this and sharing a moment in my life with me.

Soppiness over, bring out the sweets, crisps and lashings of Coke! Let’s celebrate me getting older and hopefully wiser! Woohoo!


25 responses to “Birthday Wensfriesday!

  1. Woohoo for forty! Happy Birthday!


  2. Happy Birthday, Eloise. Wishing you a fantastic day and another brilliant forty years and more ahead.
    I’m celebrating with you by having a crisp sandwich for lunch. Yes, I said a crisp sandwich. Salt and vinegar between two slices of buttered white bread. My favourite and I don’t know anybody else who will eat them with me so, as it’s your birthday, I’m celebrating as well.

    Have a great day.


  3. Happy Birthday, Eloise! I hope you have a wonderful day.


  4. Happy birthday 😀 I hope you have a wonderful day!


  5. Silver Threading

    Happy birthday lovely lady! 🌹🌹🌹


  6. Wish you a very happy Birthday Eloise! Thank you for sharing this day with us! Wishing you an awesome day and beautiful new decade in your life where you reach greater heights in life…lots of love..(I’m eating some hidden chocolate right now!)


  7. How wonderful! Happy birthday and many happy returns! 🙂

    So, the photo at the top-left was taken some 20 years ago…?


  8. Pingback: If We Were Having Coffee | Hugh's Views & News

    • Hmm, can imagine how wonderful it must be with the smell of Christmas cake baking! It’s always good to catch up with you and hope you have a safe trip to NY. Please take loads of pics and share them with us. I’m on the last 12k for my book so pretty excited because I think I will finish it before time. Fingers crossed! Take care and thanks for the hot chocolate and chat. 😊


  9. Happy Birthday Eloise! 🎂🎉. Life just gets better! 😄


  10. A lovely post! Happy (belated) Birthday!


  11. Happy Birthday! 40 is a great age! And it gets even better at 50, 60 and 70! Believe me! Enjoy you blog site and posts!


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