Happy #Wensfriesday!

It’s time for a mid-week Friday treat.

My treat is: we are moving house today! Yes, it’s that time again. At least our new location is only 5 minutes away from the present one. The new promised land has more space to accommodate my large family and pets without bulging at the seams, as this poor houses was subjected to doing for the last few years.

I will miss the meadow though. Here are a few memories of this incredible place.

Last night, my youngest sprog woke me up because he spotted something moving outside his window. This was in the middle of the night. Grazing on the open land just in front of our house were three deer, completely oblivious to their tired audience. Needless to say, it’s going to be a struggle to wake said sprog up this morning for school! The excitement has been eating away at all of them all week. To top it off, my middle sprog forgot to put her books to one side, so the packers have boxed them up already! She’s going to have to go to school without books today.

Well, this is the last time we will be having coffee together in the meadow. It’s going to be a sad day. So many fond memories of Henry are here: his favourite walking spots; the forest where we played hide and seek with the kids (he’d always find them); the stream where he’d splash about in the summer; and of course, his best friend, Dodger.

Dodger’s owner, Eric, came to see us the other day. He had good news. Some publishers are interested in the novel I encouraged him to write about his time in the special forces. They are taking it to the next level and will hopefully offer him a book deal. He still wants to collaborate on a book about Henry and Dodger. I told him I’ll write it when it doesn’t hurt so much. It’ll take a while.

Lovely neighbours, lovely friends and dog walkers will all be missed in this quiet little forest next to the mad house.

Thank you for the memories. Adieu.

10 responses to “Happy #Wensfriesday!

  1. Pingback: Happy #Wensfriesday! — Thoughts by Mello-Elo | yazım'yazgısı

  2. Many blessings of happiness in the new abode! Here’s to a safe and efficient move.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Trust the move went witout hitches Eloise! May you spend many happy times also in your new home; and make as many memories as you did in your meadow home. I had misty eyes whilst reading, especially about Henry. I know it’s not easy. Hope your family are all well. Look forward to coffee in a new place. Love x

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Henry’s flame will always burn in your heart, and mine for that matter, wherever you move. I hope that you love your new place and that you find middle sprog’s books very soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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