Silent Night

The world is silent. Our beds hold us in a torrid affair of dreams and wishes, nightmares and darkness. Yet, whilst we hold our breath for morning to come, a figure stalks through our homes, his big red sack filled with wondrous gifts for the children and those who still believe.

Magical glitter sparkles across the living room where he has walked. Footsteps are traced outside to the half eaten carrots dumped unceremoniously by impetuous beasts travelling afar. They only have a few seconds to replenish their foods stock before flying off into the twinkling sky to the next lucky recipient of goodwill.

We wake in wonder, hoping for filled sacks and exotic sweets. The children open their eyes to the magic created and believe that a being so kind, so wonderful exists amongst us. For those unfortunate enough to grow up, the magic is lost and shared gifts come from loved ones. But deep down, in the recesses of our minds, I secretly hope we all wish for the Christmas Spirit shared by one jolly man. He who works tirelessly over a most important night to spread the cheer of God and show us that kindness, perseverance and selflessness still exist in a world filled with reality, hatred, anger and greed.

I guess I will always be a child at heart waking early and hoping my Christmas stocking will be filled by the big guy in the red suit!

Merry Christmas!

4 responses to “Silent Night

  1. May all your wishes be fulfilled.


  2. Merry Christmas & Good luck!


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