Monday Coffee in Lockdown

Come on in and grab a seat. I’ve taken the liberty and separating our sofas so that we adhere to the two metre rule. It’s wonderful to see you again. Grab your cup and remember to put it straight into the dishwasher to avoid contaminating anyone around you.

It’s unfortunate that our usual haunt has closed during this lockdown, but it does give me a chance to host our coffee catch up in my ethereal lounge. Time seems to have slowed and everything has taken on an apocalyptic appearance, especially venturing outside. I know it sounds terrible, and I really shouldn’t do it, but I’ve adopted the reference of ‘walkers’ used on the television show, The Walking Dead, to describe those souls traipsing past my house making their way to the forest just down the road. I fear them, each one a prospective carrier oblivious to the inhabitant that is growing within their healthy bodies.

I’m sure I can be forgiven for thinking that a trip to our local food store is not dissimilar to bathing in a septic tank filled with clean water. Chances are, you won’t see the germs but they will certainly be taking liberties with your clothes and exposed skin. Gloves are pointless as they just add to the contamination of different surfaces. You might not catch anything but the person two metres behind you won’t be thanking you when you’ve touched all the metal railings, containers and unwrapped food with those ‘safe’ gloves. If you don’t believe me, find a pair of clean gloves and spray a little paint on the fingers. Now go touch all your precious surfaces and see what happens.

My cynicism is born from spending too much time reading about the non-conformers – the free thinkers – who assume this is just a bunch of bull. ‘Scare mongering tactics’ and ‘utter nonsense’, and my favourite: ‘the government is just using this to control you’! I wonder what you think of those comments? How far should we accept what we’re told to do before saying: no, this affects my civil liberties? Do you feel the same way?

Considering I’ve been locked away for more than two weeks, I have to admit I haven’t found this lifestyle much different to my normal hermit lifestyle. The big difference is running my Writers Club Online, though my Zoom meetings have taken care of face to face group discussions. The children love it and have adapted well to the new norms. Social distancing was something I happily practiced anyway and travelling as little as possible is just sensible to reduce your carbon footprint.

Do you notice how fast technology is being developed now that we are facing a new war. Is this our version of an industrial revolution that sets a precedent for working at home to become a cultural norm, reducing travel and therefore activating a movement for climate change? I wonder if those who work from home will want to return to the office after tasting the opportunity to be closer to their families while accomplishing those same roles. I know it won’t be the case for everyone. Some will balk at the idea of being trapped at home. Others though, might appreciate it. Definitely something to think about in a future, especially with housing shortages and office blocks standing empty for years.

Maybe the future will see less office space eating up our central business districts and instead, housing estates with forests, play areas and facilities taking precedence over those spaces so that workers live closer to CBD’s but work remotely, time sharing office space. Just a thought.

Anyway, it’s nearly time for me to prepare for my webex meeting with my writers from Wooden Hill Primary. Thank you for stopping by. Let me know what you think our future holds.

Stay well and stay safe.

15 responses to “Monday Coffee in Lockdown

  1. Thank you for the coffee, I have no idea what the future holds 💜💜💜 do stay SAFE too💜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are right about gloves. Unless you change them after every action and dispose of the last pair, your gloves just continue to transfer the germs that they pick up as you go.
    And you make some interesting points about travel and intensive work spaces. There has been a very significant drop in pollution right across the world since this crisis struck. I was listening to a doctor yesterday who was saying that instances of many medical conditions, particularly respiratory problems such as asthma, have dropped massively since the new rules have been imposed. So, there are some good side-effects to this awful virus.
    Thanks for allowing me to sit on one of your 2 metre sofas and for the excellent coffee. The toast and marmite were awesome too!
    My plate and mug are in your dishwasher.
    Until the next time . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like most situations, I think we’ll go back to the way we were. Companies will want employees in the office and employees will need to comply. The good parts of having humans contained like the lack of pollution will return. So I guess we each need to remember and practice those parts of isolation that were most meaningful. Thanks, Eloise

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It certainly will give us all food for thought,
    Hope your conference call went well 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Mello, it’s always a delight to stop for a virtual cup of coffee with you. And when my allergies trigger a big bless-you-and-everybody-around-you sneeze no one has to worry! 😀 Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I genuinely believe that all our futures will be different because of what is going on in the world at the moment, Eloise. It’s making a lot of people think about family, loved ones, and why they don’t spend time with each other. It reminds me a little of the BBC Christmas commercial of the woman who saw the difference when, during her busy schedule, time stopped, and she saw what she was missing with time spent with her young son. At the time, the BBC may have been ahead of their time.

    As for those who either don’t believe what is going on is real or those that think they are immune to COVID-19, they are the ones who will never know if they contributed to the death of another human being. By staying home and doing exactly as the experts tell us, we will know that we helped in the battle against the invisible enemy.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’ve hit the nail on the head, Hugh. Part of the problem with our old way of life was we never had the opportunity to slow down or stay home without losing our jobs. This forced isolation with our families has given a new perspective to the working/family life. Though I appreciate many will want or crave that separation again, I believe, as you’ve said, that many will want to keep this family/working life balance, now that they’ve had a taste of it.
      It’s always lovely to have you over for a coffee. Thanks so much for stopping by. Stay well and stay safe.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m glad you think so, Eloise. Life may have been slowed down for us, but I hope that when it speeds back up, we’ll remember the extra time we had with family and with ourselves and we’ll ensure we’ll make time for them all at the expense of the stuff that isn’t important.

    Liked by 1 person

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