Monday Coffee

Welcome to the coffee house. It is a balmy five degrees outside and the wind has blown my hair into a lovely wild frenzy, so excuse the crazy woman look. Hats are perfect for keeping the crazy at bay, but unfortunately I forgot mine in my haste to meet you here.

Pull up a chair and tell me about your weekend. Mine was a mixture of relaxation and Mum’s taxi service. The sprogs had parties to attend and the Hubble and I took it in turns to fetch and deliver the munchkins to their destinations. The highlight of the weekend was finding time to read and finish a few books I had lingering on my waiting list.  There are a few more I need to add, namely 1984, for perspective reasons and to add to my repertoire when arguing with the eldest sprog. Apart from that, I’m enjoying the new time schedule which includes more reading time.

This week is going to be filled with letters to agents and publishers as I feel the need to try my luck again. It might come up trumps – who knows? Never giving up is the name of the game.

What plans do you have for this month? Is anyone else pushing themselves to do something they have not done before? I know there are a few competitions coming out this year for short stories and flash fiction. It might be worthwhile looking into a few for practice and perfection. I haven’t written a short story in a while and it will be fun to participate in a new challenge.

Help yourself to the last slice of cake and tell me about your plans for the week. Will you be tuning in to the BBC 500 words competition? It is a writing competition for children across the UK and is a great opportunity for young writers to flex their writing muscles against their peers. We will be supporting our students at school in this venture and I hope more children will get through this year. We were lucky enough to have two go through to the semi-finals last year.

Well, I’m going to refresh my cup. While you’re waiting, why not catch up with some of the other blogs I follow…

Erika Kind

The Story Reading Ape

Grady P Brown




3 responses to “Monday Coffee

  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend – I did not get as much time to read as some weekends, but we were up north in the woods, so it was not a bad thing!

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