Monday Madness!

Ever feel like cranking the music up and dancing like a crazy person at the end of a loooong Monday? Well that’s exactly what I did today. Tuna bake for dinner…done! Kids’ homework, reading and arguments over nothing and everything…done! We hadn’t even touched 6.30pm yet and the prospect of curling up on the sofa, sifting through blogs at a leisurely pace was replaced with, “Mum, can we play musical statues? We watched so much TV this weekend I wanna dance!”

Now this might not be normal in some families, but in mine, this is quite acceptable. From my first child to the last, I’ve encouraged dancing. No specific type of music; anything that has life and a beat has us swinging and swishing, bopping and jumping till we are breathless. This is something indescribable about moving your body to a rhythm, feeling it and laughing as you watching tiny people mimicking your moves. The crazier they are, the more the laughter. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, dancing is of course fun!

The long ride to the hospital tonight was great. My eldest daughter decided to come for a ride and we sang at the tops of our voices to our favourite cd, Maroon 5. Finding a ward full of smiling elderly ladies welcoming our presence and greeting us like long lost friends warmed our hearts. My mum felt chatty today too and surprised the nurses with full audible sentences. A really great visit. Did I mention I gave her a hair cut. It was so matted from the operation and weeks in hospital, I decided to give her a short cut that accented her pretty features. I think she likes it. Hopefully!

So, to sum up, it’s been an awesome Monday and touch wood, the rest of the week will flow positively. Now it’s your turn. How was your day? Anything interesting happen this weekend?

Looking forward to hearing from you on your day. ๐Ÿ™‚

12 responses to “Monday Madness!

  1. I’ve had a crazy Monday with the neighbour’s three year old and my two deciding they wanted to paint in the house..I’ve got two kids covered in paint and carpets with paint stains waiting to get cleaned.


  2. Great to hear your week has got off to a fantastic start, Eloise. I’m so pleased to hear your mum is getting better. I hope it won’t be long before she can leave hospital and be with the family.
    I could sense the happiness in your words in this post. Everything just sounded so positive. I hope it’s the start of lots of happiness and laughter for you and the family. Sending you lots of good wishes and virtual hugs.


  3. christine magpayo

    You seem like a really cool mom singing Maroon 5 with your kids ๐Ÿ™‚


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