RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge # 54

This week Ronovan has chosen some fantastic words to challenge our haiku abilities:

Free and Think
After some deliberation, I’ve come up with this haiku…
Free to love someone
Hoping to break boundaries
Thinking with our hearts
With all the hatred floating like flotsam in our world, I hope to push it aside with more love and understanding.
Thanks for reading.

9 responses to “RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge # 54

  1. Wonderful message!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely haiku. You are so right. Love needs to be promoted so much more than it currently is. Spread the love, Eloise.


  3. Could not have been better! Nice one.. 🙂


  4. Pingback: RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge Review 54 | ronovanwrites

  5. We both thought along the same lines here. What a strange coincidence. I hope our dream comes true.


  6. Hello Eloise! What a lovely haiku poem! I love it. Your words also reflect what a wonderful person you are. ❤


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